We need to work together to

improve diversity in the streaming video industry so we can Welcome and Celebrate All Voices

Raising our voices

to improve diversity in the streaming video industry

A blog series featuring personal stories from women and people of color as they have navigated their careers, the streaming industry, and the world around them.

The Importance of Diverse Voices In Technology Development

Lots of people are talking about DEI and programs designed to improve diversity and inclusion. And while some may argue that skill, rather than culture, skin color, or gender, should be the defining trait to hire against, I argue that it’s not the only important factor. The Benefit of Improving…

IWD 2024: How Qwilt is Inspiring Inclusion in Ways You Can Too

This Friday (March 8th) marks International Women’s Day (IWD), a day when people and organizations worldwide reflect on the progress made towards gender equality and the work that still needs to be done. As a woman who started her career in streaming media in 2004, I had a lot to…

Focusing on change

to improve diversity in the streaming video industry

A blog series about how streaming video companies are doing their part to improve the diversity and inclusiveness within their own organizations.

Amplifying Diversity: The Role of Allyship in the Streaming Media Industry

I am proud to lead the Allyship Program at Women In Streaming Media. Our organisation is dedicated to fostering diversity and elevating the visibility of women leaders in the streaming media industry on a global scale. With over two decades of experience in the media landscape, I’ve witnessed firsthand the…

it's time for change

Most technical industries, such as streaming video, have long been dominated by white men. Women and other under-represented groups have historically had to fight for the right to just participate, to get engineering degrees, and to prove they are just as capable as anyone else. And although it has improved marginally over the last decade, there is still a tremendous amount of work to do for the streaming video industry, and other technology sectors, to embrace diversity, support inclusion, and emphasize equality.

From Black Lives Matter to #MeToo, movements to bring awareness to systemic racism and discrimination have continued to grow. And although the point of those movements may not have been to develop equality in technical fields and industries, they are very applicable to doing just that.

Many of our member companies have established diversity and inclusion programs or initiatives. But the Streaming Video Alliance and other organizations are in a unique position because we represent a cross-section of the industry: many companies and many voices working collaboratively and collectively to drive technical change.

We believe it is our duty to leverage that platform to bridge the gap between social movements and industry equality. We hop you will join us, as we connect organizations and elevate marginalized voices within the streaming video industry.

Because, only together can we create lasting change and improve diversity in the streaming video industry.

the streaming video alliance's commitment to improve diversity in the streaming video industry


— Leadership

We actively seek out members of under-represented groups to lead working groups and projects. We are also looking to diversify our board of directors.



When we launch our public conference in 2022, we are focused on ensuring that the speaker line-up is as diverse as possible.


— Grant Memberships

There are many minority-founded and owned business in the media space. We are committed to actively seeking out startups for our Grant program started by under-represented groups.


— Industry Awareness

The Alliance hosts a number of events each year, ranging from meetups to webinars. In addition, our Executive Director is asked to moderate panels at many events. We are committed to including diverse voices and perspectives in those events to elevate people from minority groups.


— New Programs

Through new member programs, like “Raise Our Voices” and the Technical/Industry Fellows, we will showcase the industry from the perspective of under-represented groups and, in some cases, provide them a platform to share their experiences.


— Partnerships

We will actively seek partnerships with minority-focused organizations, like AfroTech, to support businesses founded and owned by under-represented groups.